Donate to our Scholarship Fund

We appreciate receiving donations to promote this world-transforming work through our Scholarship Fund.

Making a donation is easy and tax-deductible. Choose from one of the following three ways:

One-time donation via PayPal:

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down to find 'Matrix Leadership Fund' and click on the 'Donate' button below the Matrix Leadership Fund paragraph (Important: Clicking on other 'Donate' buttons will donate to other funds!)
  3. Log in to PayPal or click 'continue' to pay with a credit card.

One-time donation via Check:

  1. Make your check out to 'Triskeles Foundation'
  2. Important: Write 'Matrix Leadership Fund' in the memo section
  3. Mail to Triskeles, 707 Eagleview Blvd. Suite 105, Exton, PA 19341

Monthly, Quarterly or Yearly donation via Network for Good:

  1. Go to
  2. Set 'Donation Preference' to 'a recurring donation' and choose Monthly, Quarterly or Annually.
  3. Important: Fill out 'Designation' with 'Matrix Leadership Fund'
  4. Click on 'Add to Giving Cart'
  5. Click on 'Proceed to Checkout', and follow the prompts.

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A member of a training in Chicago in 2000, I am here, standing tall and here to tell you that every moment of my training was a challenge. I found it enlightening, consuming, heart-filled, frustrating, exhilarating, annoying, joyful, terrifying, comforting, irritating, restoring, hysterical, healing and transforming. My experiences ran the gamut of human emotions and experiences, all of which can be summed up in two words: Life Altering. Issues of trust (in self and others), community, tolerance, growth - and more. Yes, ‘life altering‘. Definitely. Would I do it again? In a heartbeat. This time, I‘d enter freely vs. kicking and screaming! As one insightful co-participant said: ‘This program could change the world.‘
— Lois Hobart
Certfied Life Coach
Chicago, IL