Matrix Leadership Model

As human beings we radically redefine ourselves when we awaken from our trance of separateness. When we live and work in interconnected networks or matrices, we harvest our collective intelligence and realize our full potential. Each member becomes a leader and leadership occurs through the relationships between people. Communities and organizations become highly creative, effective and sustainable.

Mission of Matrix Leadership Institute
and History of the Matrix Model

The guiding mission of Matrix Leadership Institute is to teach and implement the Matrix Model, creating sustainable, open, embodied human systems in groups, organizations and communities. (Learn more...)

Foundation of the Matrix Leadership Method

The foundation rests in learning to develop and maintain an interpersonal Matrix: the possibility of communication between each pair of people within the eyes and ears of the group. This highly developed level of communication creates a web or container that supports the ongoing evolution of the group and its members. It becomes the cornerstone of creating teams and groups that realize their full potential through their connections with each other.

The Matrix Model offers a step-by-step approach to creating groups that function as open, living systems. We consciously develop three inter-related aspects of group and community life:

  • We begin by developing the person-to-person relationships or connections between people. We cultivate a ground of health.
  • We bring conscious awareness to the needs and patterns of the group/system as a developing organism. We expand role flexibility and creativity.
  • Once peer relationships are formed and the group is aware of itself as a living system, individuals awaken from the trance of separateness to transform limiting beliefs and behaviors.

The Benefits

The Matrix Model benefits Individuals, Relationships and Groups.

INDIVIDUALS: Dreaming Ourselves Awake

In groups we often find ourselves playing out familiar, limiting roles. We reside in habitual strategies of protection, projection, judgment and competition. In Matrix groups we create a field of compassion, inclusiveness, honesty and aliveness. In this field, we risk opening to develop the fullness of ourselves.

  • We increase our comfort and confidence in groups and our capacity to lead in service of the whole.
  • We free ourselves from beliefs, patterns and stories based in fear and scarcity. We increase our range of self-expression and envision new possibilities.
  • We learn to stay in present connection with each other as we disengage from the protective stance of separateness. We learn to embody the gifts of trust, gratitude and love.
  • We enter into the realm of heart and soul-the deeper regions of the self that must evolve if we are to create authentic partnerships, sustainable workplaces and true global community.

RELATIONSHIPS: Realizing Interconnectedness

In Matrix groups we develop heartfelt relationships that become a network of partnerships.

  • We build connections between one another as ordinary human beings with appreciation, respect, compassion, and humor.
  • We value each person’s unique contributions including differences in development, experience, age, race, culture, gender, identity, lifestyle and personality.
  • We develop practices of constructive feedback and authentic, open communication.
  • We resource ourselves in the aliveness of body, mind, heart and spirit and the deep stories from our diverse cultures.

GROUPS: Becoming Social Artists in Organizations & Communities

The Matrix Model offers training for social artists and social architects. As Social Artists, we must address the complex problems facing us in today's world by working in interconnected teams and networks. As we collectively examine our cultural assumptions of separation and competition, we move toward global responsibility and citizenship.

  • We establish a profound level of communication between people in order to respond to the needs of the whole group — whether family, organization or community.
  • We co-create the direction of the group and creatively express its purpose while attending to the needs of individual members.
  • We access a collective intelligence, a consciousness that only emerges when we are in relationship with ourselves, each other and the group.
  • We collaborate and co-create a just and sustainable future. We celebrate our radically different, often conflictual voices, as essential to collaboration and synergy.

Upcoming Trainings

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Recent Articles

Matrix Hosts a Book Launch
Sustainability ~ The Matrix Factor
The Matrix Group Dialogue Process

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It has now become clear to me that a big part of my discomfort in groups has been my difficulty holding onto my differences, my uniqueness, my perspectives while still staying in close loving connection. I'm learning so much about this - how to honor my differences and your differences without believing I'll lose or leave the relationship.
— Anne Wagner
Foundation Training Participant